Knowledge bank

Make an outstanding
Creative Brief

1 Mins read

When starting a new project, Creative brief is a MUST. It is the most important thing when defining what you as a client want to achieve and what the goal of the creative is. The whole process of writing the brief can be stressful. 

By following these easy steps, you will have fun, while creating it:

COMPANY’S BACKAGROUND Start with the company’s background, explaining the brand in few sentences.  Underline the brand’s statement. Have in mind what’s the problem you are trying to solve.

GOAL OF THE CAMPAIGN Define clearly the aim of the campaign (ex. more subscribers, brand awareness, product design, logo design, increase online orders or online payments etc.)

TARGET GROUP Give inputs of your target audience. Be precise when defining the target audience. The more you tell about your target group, the better results you will get later.  Along with the demographics (age, gender, geography) it’s good to include your defined Buyer persona. 

COMPETITION State your competitors, emphasizing brand’s advantages and differences. 

MAIN MЕSSAGE It’s important to have the main message that should be communicated along with the tone of voice.

DISTRIBUTION PLAN Make a distribution plan, having in mind your target group (ex. having Generation Y as a target for the campaign means that it is clever to spend money on social media not on TV)

MANDATORY ELEMENTS Don’t forget to put the mandatory elements which should be part of the creative (logo, contact, email, URL etc.).

TIME PLAN – Put the launch date of the campaign together with the planned duration of the campaign.

Hope you will enjoy your next project creating a fascinating brief ?

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